Friday w/ Testers Friday w/ Testers - #003 - Corina Pip In Friday with Testers, we feature QA experts from our community who share their love for quality. This episode is about Corina Pip, automation testing enthusiast, speaker and creator of imALittleTester. 1. Tell me a bit about your job as a tester. My current role is being part automation tester,
Personal Development How Are Software Development Teams Similar To Football Teams? I used to be a football fan in my adolescence and young adulthood and I was rarely missing the important derbies on TV. I knew by that time all the big teams from Premier League, Serie A or Primera Division and all the famous players. The crush was so real,
Friday w/ Testers Friday w/ Testers - #002 - Ioana Chiorean In Friday with Testers, we feature QA experts from our community who share their love for quality. This episode is about Ioana Chiorean, which is a Community Lead and a fervent volunteer contributor at Mozilla. Tell me a bit about your job as a tester I started by chance in
Friday w/ Testers Friday w/ Testers - #001 - Andrei Contan In Friday with Testers, we feature QA experts from our community who share their love for quality. This episode is about Andrei Contan, which is an enthusiast Test Architect and triathlonist. Tell me a bit about your job as a tester I’m currently working in Netherlands, as a Test
Personal Development Why I Transitioned From Medium To My Own Blog When I first thought I would like to write things learned from my experience as software tester I did not have any kind of a plan. "Should I buy a domain? How should I name it? How am I going to manage all the stuff a blog requires? Do
Agile How Not Having A Daily Stand-up Meeting Can Work? “Agile” or “being Agile” is not a new thing anymore, right? We have even worked or we are working in Agile environments or we are at least familiar with all its concepts. When we think to Agile, and more precise, to Scrum, the one thing that comes rapidly to our
Software Testing Why Is It So Hard To Create A Community Of Practice? First thing first, let’s agree on what is a community of practice. A community of practice is a group of people who come together to build and share knowledge, to build and share skills, to build networks, and to build recognition. — UCD Dublin Why is it so hard to
Software Testing 14 Most Common Mistakes A Tester Makes Did you do any mistake recently? I did. But we’re all humans, right? And we’re all likely to make mistakes. Usually people associate making mistakes with punishment which in most of the cases is the immediate action after a mistake is made. And seeing the good part in
Personal Development 3 Lessons I Have Learned From My Project Manager For a while, my relationship with the project managers I was working with was like the relationship we used to have with teachers. Even you know they are meant to teach you good things, to guide you, to offer support when need it, you prefer to believe their role is
Software Testing How Google Analytics Can Help Assessing Risks In Software Testing We are talking a lot about risks in software development in general, and much more in software testing. And this happens because testing often becomes constrained by time, resources or budget. There have been lots and lots of talks and articles lately about how to identify the potential risks and
Personal Development “Add Positivity Into Your Testing” There is something that keeps hunting me in the last couple of days and I was trying to give it more and more sense. It is a sentence that Richard Bradshaw put together at Romania Testing Conference this year: Add positivity into your testing. When I heard it, I was
Software Testing Romania Testing Conference 2018 Through A Volunteer’s Eyes “Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something” -Frederick Smith Romania Testing Conference is a 3-day conference that takes place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, once a year, usually in May. I first took contact with it in 2012, when I think was at the first edition, and
Personal Development 3 Things Your Manager Should Know About You As Tester Let’s face it, not everyone knows or cares what a tester is doing every day and how is she/he doing the testing. The most common opinion that I have heard is that testers are doing quite a boring job, clicking around and trying to find defects or to
Software Testing 5 Tips To Deal With Untested Code As software testers, we deal every day with a lot of untested (or insufficiently tested) code. You might say “that’s a tester’s role, to find bugs in the code, is not the developer’s role” and I wouldn’t say you’re not right. But, you are partially
Personal Development The Road From Senior Tester to Mature Tester Don’t know about you, but when I was at the beginning of my career (as a software tester), every time I got the question from recruiters “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, I could hardly find a proper answer to that. Because it’s hard to predict.
Software Testing Exploratory Testing Undressed — How I Changed My Mind About It? Exploratory testing is most probably the first type of testing a person interacting with a software is doing, even if it is a tester, a developer or a business analyst. Cem Kaner defines it in 1984 as: “a style of software testing that emphasises the personal freedom and responsibility of
Software Testing How Docker Can Rock A Tester’s World? I first heard about Docker a couple of years ago. By that time, it appeared that our team liked the idea of adopting the newest and coolest kid in town and lot of questions were raised about how to migrate from using Vagrant to using Docker. All the concepts that
Personal Development How To Take Responsibility Of Your Professional Growth Growth. Everyone talks about it, right? But it is almost impossible to find a recipe to follow and after that to declare: Ok, I am good enough. I can stop now. In most of the cases, the beautiful things in life are not coming just following some recipes. They do
Software Testing Top 5 Skills Every Tester Should Master A year ago I was part of a group of people, all QA engineers, trying to teach other people the art of … what else? Software testing. And let me tell you something. You realise that you really love what you do when you spend your free time talking about that
Personal Development 5 Things To Remember When You’re Feeling Stuck Have you asked yourself recently what is happiness? Or are you happy? Do you even know what makes you happy? We are living great times, when everything we need is one click away (in most of the cases), but even so, many people don’t know what to answer when
Software Testing Smooth Transitioning From Scrum To Kanban Years ago, when I started to work as a QA engineer, Waterfall methodology was in its popular times (it might still be popular for some people nowadays) and I had barely heard by that time that there are some other ways of conducting your work. Then I changed my job
Software Testing From Nothing To Functional Coverage I was writing in one of my previous posts about testing notes and how we got to the conclusion that we need to get rid of test cases and transform the concept of writing test cases into writing testing notes. Nothing too fancy, nothing too complicated, our lives seemed to
Software Testing How Was At Software Testing World Cup ? Every contest, no matter the domain, has a good impact on me and brings new ideas to life. We all know that famous quote saying: Stop competing with others. Start competing with yourself. But it is also true that when you feel the pressure of a contest you start putting
Software Testing Early Feedback Is Critical One of the things that I appreciate the most in the team I’m working with is the fact that we’re constantly discussing new ways of improving our work, new ideas of making our processes better and better and in most of the cases we come up with very
Software Testing How To Create Diversity While Testing — “Group Testing” There is no doubt that software products are more complex than ever before and the testing process should be diversified enough to ensure the quality for such products. Easy to say! But in practice we need to establish a good balance between manual testing, automated testing, exploratory and on the